Here is a link to the DoE webpage on Wellbeing whilst learning from home. It has information and advice for parents and students with useful links and contacts, finishing with resources and ideas for learning at home.
Here are some useful contacts:
Kids Helpline: 1 800 551 800 24/7 phone counselling
Kids Helpline webchat 8:00AM to 12:00AM on-line e counselling for youth
Lifeline: 13 11 14 24/7 crisis support
Beyondblue e-help 3:00pm to 1:00am on line chat support Website with tips, tools and resources across Australia
Black Dog Institute - managing mental health
Below are some resources from the Black Dog Institute for managing mental health during this time of Covid-19, relaxation techniques and mindfulness in everyday life.
Here are some Holiday activities to do at home - suitable for all ages.